Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dance, Danielle Cebilia Duce

I’ll dance a Duce dance,
4 Danielle Cebilia Duce,
U’ll C all I'll dance 4 U,
And C U do a Duce dance 2, Danielle,
In D, A, N, I, E, L, C, U , B,
Danielle Cebilia Duce.

Chorus: "Danielle Cebilia Duce!"

I call Danielle Duce a 'belle'.
Danielle Duce, nice an edible!
I'n a lance Danielle, a dunce,
A banana, an Indiana blade,
A baba, o' DNA.
. . . Eden-ce lucid dude,
An alien Anniellidae!

"An alien Annie - il - li- dae!"

Blend a Cuban dance Danielle,
U decide, u include,
A dance Danielle, in Danube?
Blend a Cuban dance Danielle
In Albania, an Indian audience?

"In Albania, an Indian audience!"

A double bill, Danielle, in Dublin?
Inland in Adelaide?
Dance nine dance'c, in Indiana.
I C U In Cuba, Duce’ll be lauded!
Danielle Duce dance-c bald-ed!
'Danielle Duce dance in balance,'
'In Iceland, Duce danced in abundance.'

"Dance, Danielle n' abundance!"

Bubblin’ bud in Benin!
Bellad’nna nuance’d in Dunedin.
LcD in Lublin! . . . E’ Duce?
Danced in cadence, in Be’lin.
4 ‘en Duce dance’c ended,
Duce and I’ll be bible-banded.

"Duce and I will be bible-banded."

'Ce a bull banana bubaline?
A banded bulbul alaudine?
Duce, I been blinded bad!
I c u cuculine, Danielle Duce,
A biblical linen bible Danielle,
I'll c u bible-banded.

"I'll c u bible-banded."

Danielle Duce, I’ll be candide,
I bubble bud, inbibe LcD.
I need U nice, I need U in’c’an-e
Danielle I cend u a candi-cane,
Nice du be Danielle C-Duced!

"In Danielle Duce I'n C-Duced!"

Lilac and Linden in Canadian land
. . . Dillenia in India,
Albuca, and Caluna,
. . . Uncinia and Cunila
Bulbinella, and Belacanda
Liliaceae and Luculia
. . . . . all Dianella blue!
I bundle all I C 4 U.

" 'E'll bundle all 'e C'ce 4 U!"

I call Danielle Duce ‘belle’,
Danielle Duce, nice an edible!
Oh Danielle, dance nice, be bad!

"Oh Danielle, dance nice, be bad!"

On a bald i’land in Canada, I’ll build ‘e a cabin’
I’ll nail, I’ll build ‘all ‘e need.
I’ll build a den and add a cube,
I’ll build ‘e all ‘e need, Danielle Duce.

" 'E’ll build ‘e all ‘e need Danielle!”

'I ain' Daniel, I ain' lie'n 'n a lion'c den
One nide I’ll lie Danielle nice 'n nude,
Laid in a linen-lace bed,
Danielle Duce, bubie bald.
Danielle, nude, I'll cuddle all!
I'll lie Danielle, on a linen bale,
And laid all 'e need Danielle,
Biblical linen indeed.

"Biblical linen indeed!"

On a bale in Ducie, I'll c Danielle lie . . .
An’ cuddle Daniella nice, do o’ die!
Danielle Duce, nice an edible!
Duce and I do bud’n bubble,
Nice Danielle, nude I cuddle,
In blanc lace, Danielle laid,
A Danielle Duce cub indeed!

“A Danielle Duce cub indeed!”

Danielle and I in'ale a Duce blend.
On cue Danielle! Ideal, in‘c’ane!
An’ ‘en I cuddled Daniella nude in lace,
A bald Daniella dance! Be bad, be nice!

"Oh Daniella! Dance, be bad, be nice!"

Danielle I needed and collided
Danielle Duce and I elided,
And incide Danielle I blended and died!
An’ I’ll be a Dad o’ a Duce cub!

“An' ‘e’ll be a Dad o’ a Duce cub!”

Oh Danielle, dance nice, be bad!
I’ll lied a bale Danielle, in a club
I need u Danielle, I need a Duce Cub!

" 'E need-ce u Danielle, 'E need-ce a Duce Cub!"

An alleale Danielle? A Duce Cub dance?
An alliance, Danielle, a balance,
I’ll n' be clued,
DNA needed, I’ll include . . .

"DNA needed, 'e'll include!"

Blinded, blended, u r undecided?
A clean lab bill liabled,
No aedine blood, no bleed,
Clinic dialed, bled an’ label-eed!
I’ll call a lid o’ DNA on Acid!

“'E'll call a lid o'DNA on Acid!”

Call a cab! ‘n dial a cable!
Danielle Duce ‘ad a bable!
A Duce Dad, I bubble in bud!
I B cub a Duce bundle, a cub Daniel!
I'n a Dad o' a Duce cub!

"E'ce a Dad o' a Duce cub!"

'n a bald Canada i’land,
I’ll build Danielle and Daniel, a cabin.
Danielle Duce I’ll be candid,
In bed I’ll ne b idle!
Nor in nuance, undecided.

"Nor in nuance, undecided."

I’ll nail and build ‘e ‘all ‘e need
‘U undecided Danielle Duce?
A deed I’ll include,
I’ll build a den, and add a cube,
An’ I’ll build all ‘e need, Danielle Duce.

A bible, a Euclid, and Auden.
A bulbul, a dunlin, and a canine cub,
A candle and a bulb, an Aneid, and an Illiad.
A nun in linen, a clue, in lieu . . .
. . . A nannie Danielle’ll need.

“. . . A nannie Danielle’ll need!”

I C Linceed added canned an' blended,
U'll C Aniceed, boiled, blanc-ed and blender-ed,
Cannelli bean, labeled DILL?
Eel ‘n bile, canned, I’n ILL!
U been cucine banned Danielle! I decide!
Danielle ceace! elce I'll die!
Uncinia, nice! Adenia? I'n dead!
Candi-cane 4 Danielle intended.

“A Candi Cane 4 Danielle intended!”

I C U in a band Danielle, I'll C L U a deal!
I C 4 U a label bundled, I’ll du U a CD!
Danielle Duce, and I’ll bubble Cannabaceae!
A Duce Cine Club in Canne indeed!

“A Duce Cine Club in Canne indeed!”

A decade or 3 I’ll abide
I’ll ne dindle in dice,
Ne deal in LcD.
I’ll ne bale, n’ unable be,
Ne abandon ‘e Danielle Duce.
Alibi bi ‘e Danielle, U L C!
I’ll abide bi ‘e Danielle Duce.

" 'E'll abide bi 'e Danielle."

On an I‘land in Canada,
I’ll build ‘e a cabin, and a canine cub.
I’ll nail ‘n build 'e ‘all ‘e need.
I’ll build a den and add a cube,
Danielle can C CNN!
I’ll build ‘e all ‘e need . . . Danielle Cebilia Duce.

‘E’ll build ‘e all ‘e need Danielle . . . Cebilia . . . Duce.”

First Memory

First memory gives, never shimmers, or rages,
Grand Sir, first come,
Since chocolate never phones.
You'd better shame Death!
Neither use young sleep to discover peace,
     so please, try to sing.

About every pithy surface,
Reach, and seek us!
Smear, capture space,
     Know process, from important missions.

Chisel and throw away joy
Daughter's progress mine will crush live!
     Or choose a straight water ritual.

Smoke manic diversity in power,
     faithfully bring our old partner,
Act crazy,
Trod through his sculpture.
     Loser, paint this hard!

Doctor only uses color above,
Ink scars our mean street,
Ebbs our angry mess,
     like a pre-teen miss.

with Kayla Jo as Muse, 7/13/06,  37, 38, 39

The Muse Poems:

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They know

They know every mother,
lets us draw her companion's will.
The trip would need . . .
an ever glorious night.

So psychedelics
heard her virginal sound, which could sculpt.
Avoid my inner form.
Investigate Brother!
Empty your sister's howl.

Dude, chant our angry story,
'till sex destroys a surreal subject.

Way out of line, I'll be like you.
See her actors appear, a gone angel.
Show grander passion.
Sister, give a Party!
Come you need caution, you can't stay around.
See I'm vetted, care strokes best.
Mister please, have harmony!
This fun, she tempers money,

Delights start sweet,
we break finger music.

with Kayla Jo, 7/13/06, 38, 39, 40

  The Muse Poems:

   1  2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
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64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81

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