May said, "Depression about such bitter abuse
models my art question, through music."
Follow me through grace,
feel us too far, have breakfast.
Lost a bag? I could storm out, laughing, Act and share.
Anger can't always stay.
"Worry girl, I see your despair. learn, feel, cry."
Get off my mind.
Brother, model our star of strength,
when she confronts reality.
"Sister, investigate your wild bed,
and have this trouble."
Drawn about which man it is, you will model.
But a lying solution's better than money.
Imagine a beautiful husband.
We believed in sky, in a dark chocolate howl.
He is soft, then we seem apart,
on very blue bold harmony,
under a milky soft sound.
with Audrey Ellis, October 14, 2006, 61, 62, 63
The Muse Poems: