Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Living Art

An accipiter may rush through air,
for grouse through thickets impenetrable,
or osprey a morning flounder
a fish cast to breakfast table.
Grasped from ocean bottom sand,
Mollusks opened by sharpened talon,
or alewives from the river taken,
by practiced flight and slight of hand.
Storms of herring mass in water,
before schools of tuna dine,
bulleting mouths apart
adjust herring numbers in dark.
Feather, scale and limb,
fit to the task of living art.
Should I scream or bark,
as I fork apart my morning trout?
or slip it down my gullet wide
then announce with resounding cry,
as a hawk or heron from the sky.

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Guide to Chaga Harvesting and Preparation

I've already posted on the positive benefits of Chaga for the health. Other sites on the web go into detail about this bounty of th...

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