Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Diamonds at Midday

While the Kings are betrothing their Queens,
And the spades out clubbing in nines,
I'll see you a'midships at three,
We'll eat grapes, smoke weed, and drink wine.

With jokers and fours by the quai,
Deuces and fives dying to play,
"I'll see you below, nice and mellow,
We'll talk about ways to make hay."

Six is at odds with the kids in his life,
Sevens descend to military strife,
I'll see you below, by that port-side window,
We'll then we'll go to Heaven, for life.

While Kings are out jousting for Jacks,
And Aces about gone from the pack,
Down in your cabin, let's dispense with our blabbin',
And then both jump in the sack.

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