Silly Sioux Lilly's soul solos,
S, I, O, U, X, L, Y:
So Sioux Lilly’s soul is ill,
Sioux Lilly IO you six,
Sioux Lilly's ill is . . . oil.
Read my other lipograms written about my subjects, using only the letters of their names. A lipogram (from Greek lipagrammatos, "missing letter") is a kind of constrained writing or word game consisting of writing paragraphs or longer works in which a particular letter or group of letters is avoided — usually a common vowel, and frequently "E", the most common letter in the English language. [From Wikipedia]
Read my other lipograms written about my subjects, using only the letters of their names. A lipogram (from Greek lipagrammatos, "missing letter") is a kind of constrained writing or word game consisting of writing paragraphs or longer works in which a particular letter or group of letters is avoided — usually a common vowel, and frequently "E", the most common letter in the English language. [From Wikipedia]